About us

Lipo Life

Premium quality dietary supplements for beauty and health.


A new brand of dietary supplements was launched on the market. During the work, the brand was “packaged” (analyzing competitors, developing a style for social networks), launching sales, followed by maintaining accounts on social networks.
As part of maintaining accounts, the following was carried out on a regular basis: content generation with the help of a designer and artificial intelligence, photo and video shooting by agency employees. Targeted advertising was set up.

Начало - завершение работы
Начало работы: июль 2021 года
Конец работы: октябрь 2023 года

Продвижение нового бренда БАДов собственного производства.

Publications were carried out in online and offline media.
Integrations were carried out with bloggers and experts from different cities of Russia. Draws were also organized and held in accounts incl. with the involvement of partners.
The growth of subscribers during the period of work amounted to more than 5,400 followers.


Dietary supplements

Novosibirsk, Russia

Publications in the media
Targeted advertising

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